The four-part mystery adventure, called Evermoor, follows American teenager Tara Bailey who has been uprooted from the US and brought to the UK.
Evermoor is a fictional village on the edge of creepy moors in the middle of England.
In a sign of the strength of the British television industry, the movie will be the first made in the UK and broadcast on the flagship US Disney Channel.
Disney will work with Lime Pictures which is the Bafta award-winning production company behind TOWIE and Hollyoaks.
Tricia Wilber, chief marketing officer at The Walt Disney Company Europe and Middle East and Africa, said the film was the organisation's "most ambitious production yet".
David Levine, the company's vice president for programming and production, said: "Evermoor is a hugely exciting project for the team, with a gripping story that I'm sure will captivate our global Disney Channel audience."
Claire Poyser, managing director for Lime Pictures, said: "We are delighted to be the first independent production company in the UK to work with Disney on a live action movie to be aired worldwide including the US.
"Evermoor extends Lime's reputation for producing fantastic children's drama that is inspiring for the whole family."
The film is set to be aired in 160 countries across the world from autumn this year.
The cast has not been revealed yet.
The Disney Channel helped to launch the careers of Selena Gomez and Zac Efron.
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